Saturday, March 19, 2011

Nice Enough

It has finally been nice enough to go for a walk! Today Kamryn, Brinley, Gunner and I went for a walk. It's the first time all of us have went. What a beautiful day! Can't get over it.

Kamryn got to ride her new bike that she got from Aunt Nell for Christmas, but me being a bad mom I didn't have my camera with me. So next time we are out I will get a picture. Kamryn LOVED it. She was so proud of being able to peddle it. She can barely get to the peddles, so she isn't that fast, but it doesn't matter.

Brinley is fine on walks just as long as she has just been fed or has a bottle in her mouth. She is a little porkchop! Love her to pieces. She had her 2 month dr appointment and weighs just under 12 lbs. :-) She likes to eat!

Anyways, I did get a picture of Brinley in the Spring hat that she wore on the walk. I don't have a hat that covers her ears just right and this was the only thing close enough!

I go back to work on Monday and that comes bittersweet. I love my job and the people I work with, and I am looking forward to some adult interaction, but at the same time it is going to be hard leaving her with people I don't know. I am confident that she will be fine. It's me I'm worried about! I just have to tell myself, I drop them off around 10:45 and Daddy picks them up at 3:30pm. Kamryn LOVES her new daycare so I know it's a good place. Like I siad it's me that I'm worried about. The first week or two will be tough, but I'm sure it will all work out for the better and the adjustment will be fine. Work will just be getting into the busy season of Summer registration so I will be busy and time should fly by!

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